Tag Archives: Twilight

Sleeping at Last | Because @NCallegari says so

On the sage recommendation of @ncallegari (The Oracle of Nerd Awesomeness) in his Breaking Dawn soundtrack review, I thought I’d give Sleeping At Last a chance.

They have put out some awfully pretty songs. And their vocalist is quite captivating, really. Sort of Young the Giant/Audrye Sessions/Horse Feathers-ish.

Maybe it’s the thresholds that swallow us whole
As we learn to let go,
In spite of the dirt on our clothes

The improbably named Bobby Long, and his formidable talent.

This is the guy who wrote those songs Robert Pattinson sang, which made their way to the Twilight soundtrack (something irrationally grand, from the mess of a mortifying franchise).

I’ve grumbled before about how impressive those recordings were – all soul strong and fearless, and from the unlikeliest source.

But now I wonder – was Cheekbones Pattinson just doing his best Bobby Long impression? Long’s from London town too, and they’re friends, and he also has a feigned, across the pond drawl.

But man, Bobby Long. Look how much he means it.

Also, there’s this… situation.

I’d really prefer it if Robert Pattinson gave up this mediocre acting lark and stuck to singing.

At least with singing/songwriting, you’ve got mystique. And people can fill in the blanks optimistically.

Also, it’s clear his extraordinary talents lie here. And not in that Chinese water torture they’re packaging as the Twilight films.

Of course, I’m sure his decision will be primarily based on my opinion. Surely.